As the women’s movement helped change the way women thought about themselves, it also changed the way they thought about lingerie.
"In 1898, the ideal woman had an hourglass shape. The harness corset molded her into the desired form by throwing out both her bust and her rear. In 1991, a woman is allowed to create her own shape, although by doing so she occasionally throws out her back. Maidenform Sports Bra. It's time fashion conformed to you." 
"In the 1920's, the style was to minimize a woman's natural curves. The flattener and girdle served the purpose perfectly, although it did make breathing difficult. Today, women who want flat topography and difficulty breathing can always move to L.A. Maidenform Heartstrings. It's time fashion conformed to you."
"In the 16th century, the wasp waist was fashionable. The iron bodice gave women the desired shape and forced them to eat like birds. These days, a woman can achieve a similar effect by simply sucking her stomach in and going easy on the moo shu pork. Maidenform Rendevous. It's time fashion conformed to you."
"In the early 19th century, wide hips were fashionable. The steel crinoline with layers of heavy petticoats gave the desired effect, although the weight made chores so exhausting, servants were necessary. In the late 20th century, women prefer to keep their hips down to a manageable size. However, a servant or two would be nice. Maidenform Dream. It's time fashion conformed to you."
Les Weiner: art director
Lesley Stern: copywriter
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